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Past Committees and Issues

Chair: Fée van den Brink
Deputy Chair: Karel Duchatteau
Non Ad-Hoc
Social, Humanitarian & Cultural (GA3)

Deputy President:
Non Ad-Hoc
Chair: Anna Deurloo
Deputy Chair: Inez van der Groen
Non Ad-Hoc
Special Political & Decolonization (GA4)

Deputy President:
Non Ad-Hoc
President: Karolina Stec
Deputy President: Thea Walker
Non Ad-Hoc
Environmental Commission (EC)
President: Stephanie Wieberdink
Deputy President: Sophie Scheele
Non Ad-Hoc

Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

President: Jiya Jain
Deputy President: Eva van Groeningen
Non-Ad Hoc
Human Rights Council (HRC)

President: Sebastiaan Aleman
Deputy President: Krithi Kumaraswamy
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